Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today SUCKS.
Truly goes in the guiness book of records as the crappest day ever.
Art books due tomorrow.
I have NO problem with that at all, but seriously, my printer has decided that TONIGHT is the night that it's going to fuck me over.
It won't print the art work correctly.
I am, for use of a better word, screwed to the max.
As you can guess therefore, I'm not best pleased right now.
I have to do a huge history project for Thursday too.
I am stressed and rather annoyed by all this.
I am going to see Elliot Minor in Amsterdam liveeee
Going to rock the world, that night.
Ed Minton. In Holland.
The thought is enough to make my blood run cold. (:

Must dash and do that beloved art.
LAURAlie (:

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