Monday, April 28, 2008


Ok, guess what I'm doing tomorrow?
I assume that's a no brainer?
I'm going to be flying to ROME; ITALIA. =D

I am so excited it's unreal.
I'm going to the Vatican City, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, The Colliseum. I'm gonna be SUCH an Asian Tourist. xD Represent my Japanese friends; They have given me express permission.
Doodleberry, I can't waaaaaaait. xD
I'm also going to Naples and seeing Pompeii where the Volcano erupted. That's going to feel so bizarre what with the casts of the dead in the ground. But, it's not everyday you fly to Naples so I'm totally going to make the best of it.
Now; to be a real tourist, I'm going to need an EXTRA large suitcase so I had better go and pack one.

LAURAlie (: